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Iranian commander urges Riyadh to change path

7 Jan 2016 - 16:19

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami on Thursday warned that the Saudi Arabian regime would not last long if it continues its illogical policies in the region.

Speaking on the sidelines of a ceremony held in Tehran to commemorate prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, whose execution by the Riyadh regime sparked global condemnation, the senior commander likened Saudi Arabia’s policies to an avalanche under which the Al Saud could be buried.

“Within the past year, we have seen of the Al Saud nothing but political incompetence,” General Salami stressed, referring to Riyadh’s mismanagement of this year’s Hajj pilgrimage – where thousands were killed during a deadly crush of pilgrims– and Saudi Arabia’s support for Takfiri terrorists in Syria and Iraq as instances of such incompetence.

Their recent execution of Sheikh Nimr has also revealed the hateful image of Saudi Arabia, he added.

“If the Al Saud regime does not change this path, soon it will be prone to collapse and decline,” the Iranian commander warned.

Saudi Arabia on Saturday executed Shiite Nimr, among dozens of others. The execution was widely condemned and by both political and religious figures.

On Sunday, furious demonstrators in the Iranian cities of Tehran and Mashhad stormed Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic buildings in protest at the Al Saud’s execution of Sheikh Nimr.

Although Iranian officials criticized the embassy attack and police arrested several individuals involved, Saudi Arabia on Sunday severed diplomatic ties with the Islamic Republic.

By Tasnim News Agency

Story Code: 195841

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