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Aggravating situation in Yemen, no help for crisis: diplomat

6 Aug 2015 - 12:52

Tehran, Aug 6, IRNA – A senior diplomat said on Thursday that continuation of military actions in Yemen does not help finding solution to crisis there, but complicates the current situation instead.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs, made the remarks in a telephone conversation with the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed.

Amir-Abdollahian further said Iran has taken sustainable approach in regional questions.

He also stressed the need to solve regional problems through dialogue and diplomatic solutions.

Unfortunately, he said, the world society has kept silent on what is happening in Yemen that is killing of the oppressed and defenseless people including children and women there.

What's happening in Yemen is against the principles of the international human rights, said he, adding those who arrange military attacks on Yemen should be held accountable for the results.

Tehran, he noted, still stresses the UN constructive role in Yemen crisis.

Tehran believes that halt to military actions and Yemeni-Yemeni solution is the only way to end the Yemen crisis, noted the Iranian diplomat.

For his part, the UN envoy said peace, not war, will win in Yemen.

Referring to diplomatic solution as the only way to end crisis, Cheikh Ahmed said the UN makes efforts to witness sustainable ceasefire and political agreement between all parties and groups in Yemen.

Undoubtedly, avoiding war and focusing on political solution will benefit not only Yemen but also the entire region, he said.

At the end, the Iranian diplomat invited Cheikh Ahmed to travel to Iran in order to discuss more about the issue.

Saudi Arabia with the help of nine other Arab countries except Oman has mounted massive attacks on Yemen since March 26, 2015.


Story Code: 174987

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