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US officials to visit Israel for action countering Iran Middle East policy

5 Aug 2015 - 11:10

A high-level US delegation will travel to Israel in September to discuss halting Tehran's alleged support for Lebanese and Palestinian militants, the Haaretz newspaper reported Tuesday, citing a senior US administration official.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The announcement follows Iran’s nuclear agreement with world powers that was successfully reached in July. The deal stipulates easing the sanctions against the country, and the expected rehabilitation of Tehran's economy.

According to the official, the US delegation, headed by Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Adam Szubin, will invest more effort in tracking the funds received from future lifting of sanctions, as Washington fears they will be transferred to Iran’s armed forces.

"The Iranians will continue to give money to Hezbollah. We need to cooperate on how the money flows and try to stop it. There is a feeling that we need to intensify what we are doing together. We need to pivot from focusing on the nuclear deal to all the other things Iran is doing, like funding terror organizations," the US administration official said, quoted by Haaretz.

In 1984, the United States designated Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism. The US State Department accused Tehran of using proxy militant groups to advance its foreign policy goals in the Middle East, and also of supporting militant groups in the region, like Lebanon-based Hezbollah and Palestinian Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

In April, Russian presidential envoy to Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov said Moscow did not share the US view that Iran was supporting terrorism.

On July 14, Iran and the P5+1 group, comprising China, France, Russia, the United States, Britain and Germany, reached an agreement to ensure the peaceful nature of Tehran's nuclear program and ease sanctions against the country.
By Sputnik

Story Code: 174803

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