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Home return of 349 historical items biggest gain: Official

17 Jan 2015 - 10:48

Tehran, Jan 17, IRNA – Head of Iran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization Masoud Soltanifar said the return of 349 historical items to the country is the biggest gain of the kind so far.
  He made the remark here on Saturday while talking to reporters on the sidelines of the visit of President Hassan Rouhani to an exhibition set up to display 349 historical items which are back home from Belgium.
He explained that the historical items belonged to Khurvin which were illegally taken out of the country about 50 years ago.

He said Iran pursued the case in different courts for about 35 years and managed to get the final verdict just recently in its own favor.

He said the items dated back to three thousands years.

According to the official, Iran National Museum already possessed 228 items belonging to the period.



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Story Code: 145679

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