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Official: Germany to continue boosting trade ties with Iran irrespective of N. talks

26 Oct 2014 - 15:33

TEHRAN (FNA)- Chairman of Germany-Iran Chamber of Commerce Michael Tockuss underlined that Berlin is resolved to bolster its trade relations with Iran irrespective of the results of the nuclear talks between Tehran and the six world powers.

"The present improving trend will continue even if there will be no change in the West's economic sanctions against Iran," Tockuss told reporters in Berlin on Sunday.

He pointed to a 30-percent rise in the volume of Germany's exports to Iran, and said, "I am pleased to see that many German companies and producers are continuing their cooperation with their Iranian partners despite the sanctions imposed against Tehran."

Tockuss stressed that German firms and traders will continue expanding ties with Tehran irrespective of the results of the upcoming Iran-Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, France and Britain plus Germany) talks, yet he said he is optimistic about the fruitfulness of the negotiations as both sides have shown interest in striking a final deal.

He further praised Iran's progress even under the toughest sanctions of the West, and specially praised the very positive and effective implementation of economic policies by President Hassan Rouhani in the last 12 months.

Tockuss described Iran's industrial infrastructure as its strong point in area of economy, and said, "Iran has made very good advances in dam construction, bridge construction and shipbuilding which are praiseworthy."

Tockuss concluded that Iran's successes are the result of the West's economic sanctions imposed against the country.

Germany is an important trade partner of Iran. Berlin has long been ignoring the US-led sanctions against Iran.

Iran and Germany have tried to expand their bilateral relations in recent years through reciprocal visits by the two countries’ officials.

By Fars News Agency


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Story Code: 123117

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