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Iran children keep Gaza kids in their hearts

3 Aug 2014 - 15:20

TEHRAN, Aug. 03 (MNA) – A TV program titled “Iran Children; Gaza Children” will be on air Monday Aug 4 on several channels for children.

The program indicates Iranian children’s support for the Gaza children who have been suffering Israeli atrocities through the last weeks.

A number of artists, cineastes, children program hosts and athletes will attend the program.

There are several video clips produced in support of Gaza children in addition to a special part reading Gaza children’s letters.

The program aims at condemning Zionist regime’s atrocities in Gaza and supporting the Gazans especially their children.

Another TV program titled ‘Children for Children’ was on air today, Sunday, in support of Gaza children with the popular Iranian TV host Darius Farziaei – Uncle Pourang – which was supported by a number of cineastes like Parviz Parastouei, Kamal Tabrizi and Kiomars Pourahmad. The program launched an online campaign to petition for solidarity with Palestinian children.

UNISEF (Children's Rights & Emergency Relief Organization) published a report on Saturday revealing that 30 percent of Gaza civilian victims are children and it is increasing.

By Mehr News Agency

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Story Code: 109190

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